Michael Chiasson - FOLLOW MC - Every Decision Matters
Michael Chiasson is a speaker, musician, television host and writer who has been inspiring people for over 20 years. Using his experiences and proven practical strategies, Michael partners with organizations that want to help their leaders and team members make the greatest impact.
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Michael Chiasson

Michael Chiasson

The decisions we make today will determine the stories we tell tomorrow.

Michael is a speaker, musician, TV host, and writer who has been inspiring and motivating people for over 20 years.

As founder of The Chiasson Group and the Canadian charity Access52, Michael knows that people thrive when they have a clear vision of who they are, what they’re capable of, and how they can make their greatest contribution. This vision is foundational to the success of any organization — and as a skilled communicator, Michael brings this message with passion and excitement, encouraging people to make their next decision the best decision.


Keynotes and counting


People reached

Available to speak anywhere, live or virtually

Why are we here, what are we doing, and what is required of us to make the next best decision?

How I can help

Business and Leadership

Keynote speaking

Executive team building

Conference Production

Community Events

Community groups

Youth groups


Nonprofits and charities

Invite Michael to your next event

 If you have an upcoming event in mind, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below for any booking inquiries and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can.